There are a lot of names (spots, pimples, zits, etc.), but regardless of what they are called are called, have a great impact on many lives. If you live with painful pustules or points prosperous blacks, if you know how to treat pimples, zit-zapping here are four methods.
Treatment No. 1 pimple
Stop it before it starts. Stop it before it starts. To prevent. Mom knew what it was when he told you to wash your face talk. Every day our skinContact with all types of bacteria and dirt. Think about which areas are in contact with your hands today, such as computer keyboards, money, door handles. Touching a foreign body and then the filing of the skin that you eat, you eat the acne bacteria.
One way to prevent outbreaks is by washing your face religiously. Use a type of mild detergent, so as not to dry your face, you should always have a new cloth, so do not let the dirty old back into your skin.
Willit takes more time for your daily routine? Sure. But how much better you feel, to think out the front door with a clearer, more youthful skin.
Pimple Treatment # 2
Pimple prevention is a good start towards a clean and clear complexion, but sometimes not enough. If you know how to treat pimples already broken out, here are some of the most common over-the-counter acne products.
In front of shelves full of acne treatments, can bedifficult to understand what you choose. The most important of all, toner, creams and masks will be the active ingredient.
An antibacterial agent called benzoyl peroxide is probably the most commonly used chemicals. It is located in a variety of detergents to shaving cream.
There are some drawbacks. This cam is so strong that irritate the skin, which is something you want, stay away from anything on the face. Users should be cautious of the sunThe use of products containing benzoyl peroxide. So, check if you are not willing or able to cover products without this ingredient.
Glycolic and lactic acid, the active ingredients in Alpha-hydroxy acids are found in common anti-acne medications. These chemicals remove the top layer of skin. Although this does a great job of killing the acne is not so good for your skin. E 'irritated skin, dry and flushed skin may create may be as obvious as the pimple, you wanted to destroy.
BoilTreatment No. 3
Some suffer from acne, in turn, to a highly topical creams or oral medications prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist. Prescription-strength formulas contain many ingredients typical of over-the-counter variety.
One way to treat pimples is to master the use of oral antibiotics. Some options may kill the bacteria that cause these problems, but at a cost. For example, in women antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the pill, which canserious consequences. Oral antibiotics may also increase the risk of yeast infections messy and inconvenient.
The bacteria can also resistant to long-term treatment with antibiotics. If the drug is not effective, you need to find another treatment.
Pimple # 4
Now that you have three methods most commonly used, they know how to treat pimples, you may be wondering what treatment is right for you. If you have the-counter drugs and prescription are not sold orJust for you then, what do you do?
There are treatments to prevent and destroy these pimples can be safe and effective. Do not blindly accept the claim that all solutions are "natural" and "safe." "Watch for ways that their claims with scientific support. And even if the acne can not be cured overnight, you want a program that works quickly to find, instead of weeks or months can be given for a conventional treatment to kick in
They should not be embarrassed by yourSkin. Treatment programs that will teach you how to be able to choose the kind of access, youthful skin that will not be embarrassed to show the rest of the world.
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